Sunday, February 10, 2008

Three week follow-up...good news!

Well, I had my three week follow-up two days ago. After I arrived and the nurse did a quick overall vision check, my eyes were dilated and I waited about 30 minutes. Once I saw the doctor, he used his hand-held lens to examine my retina ("look up..left...down and left...down...." etc.) He then said, "Well, your examination looks great and your retina has completely re-attached. Also, your eye is healing better than I expected." Those were some wonderful words, and those two sentences validated all my choices of doctor, type of surgery, etc. throughout the entire process.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


It's been a while since I last posted, and it has been even longer (2.5 weeks) since the surgery. The recovery has gone well, it really hasn't been that bad. The first week, my eye was changing rapidly. Three things seemed to be going on: the redness in the white part of my eye was subsiding, my pupil was becoming less dilated and my vision was getting better and better. During this time, it seems that my brain was also learning to use my right eye almost exclusively, as the double vision that I experienced shortly after having the patch removed at my post-op visit started to subside.

If I had to give a week by week summary, week 1 was about gradually reducing my need for any pain medication and recovering enough sight to be able to go back to work. Week two was about building up the endurance to maintain a cognitive focus through long meetings and engage in my typically heavy computer usage. I imagine week three will be about more of the same, culminating in my 3-week post-op visit with my ophthalmologist.

More later.